domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010


In one village, while working in the field, farmers left under the shade of a leafy tree, their food and water, when they felt hungry, make use of them., A crow, passing the spot in one of their descents the sky as flat, approached one of the rucksacks which contained a piece of meat, stole it and flew to a tree nearby.,
The fox, who saw everything and hungry, asked the crow that you share the food, and was immediately repulsed by the crow, which became negative with the head of the request.
The fox did not not give up, thanked the raven, but claimed to have been felt as a bird of rare beauty as the crow, with a beautiful plumage, perfect feet and eyes of a stunning turquoise blue, had a small problem, defect, I would have to prove the contrary.
The crow with a piece of meat in your mouth without being able to open almost asked, what would defect.
The fox told him, that he had not even heard his voice and would like mafia have this pleasure, because, then, yes, he, the crow, a bird would be complete.
Flattered by the praise, the crow opened its beak, to try to sing was when the piece of meat fell and the fox, agile, and snapped out and laughing headlong into the innocence of the crow that was at times, vain.
This is the price of vanity and excess of praise ... should always be wary of the flatterer, sycophant and praise harmless and baseless.

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