sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010


If you want to be happy, always receiving the guidance of God, never go against the precepts of the Lord Jesus Christ.
People who have a real conscience and seek to fit the Christian precepts, always cherish the TRUTH, in any circumstance. Facing the Truth, will never act to admit only the part that suits them and ignore the feelings of others. Thus, when the TRUTH will be revealed in full for those people, and lead the right direction.
When we have a good idea, we should not leave it stored in our mind, because in this way, we are preventing the emergence of new ideas then.
Convey your good ideas, because then the other people also are to work, it is automatic, to have new ideas. Do not hoard it, always put into practice in qualqier area of your life, you being a religious singer, songwriter, poet, etc ...
Thereby promoting the circulation of good winds, you will have good results and will always be HAPPY.

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