sábado, 11 de junho de 2011


You have negative vibrations?
Think only on negative things and events?
Enjoys watching the TV, read books, listen to conversations or have friends with negative people?
Know that you are spiritually committed to the happiness that this could the path of his life, both spiritually as well as monetarily speaking.
The talks, the discussions and their negative relationships, reinforce inside of the need to have them with you.
Know how to avoid these thoughts?
You know how to act to prevent them from happening?
Start by thinking that there is an Almighty, which is available to you while you are on this planet "live" and that he is their salvation and prosperity.
When thoughts "ugly" come to mind, do everything to disperse it and get to the point, he knelt down and ask God Almighty that the release of these. Is included too, bad attitudes, put Always in place of the person you're talking about evil, you are trying to harm or hurt that you have., in this case, try to contact them and undo the misunderstanding and if a debt not paid off, try to do it in a smooth, healthy, parceling up, you'll see that things will resolve themselves easily and safely.
Have no fear, unnecessarily!
Life is a struggle ... nothing here is as comfortable as you want, but with goodwill and honesty, everything around you will suffer a noticeable transformation.
Remember that the evil thought or evil is like a fog that hits your face, wetting it and not letting it sees nothing, unless, revenge, contempt and malidicência.

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